Definition of Blue flash

1. Noun. (meteorology astronomy) A very rare phenomenon observed in morning or evening when the sun is crossing or immediately below the horizon, in which a momentary flash of blue light appears above the upper rim of the solar disk, caused by refraction of light in the atmosphere. ¹

2. Noun. (nuclear physics) A phenomenon sometimes observed when a criticality incident occurs in nuclear materials, inducing a discharge of radiation into the environment. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Blue Flash

blue devils
blue dextran
blue disease
blue dome cyst
blue dot sign
blue dwarf
blue elder
blue elderberry
blue eye cod
blue false indigo
blue fever
blue fig
blue films
blue flag
blue flash
blue flashes
blue fleabane
blue flu
blue flyer
blue fox
blue foxes
blue funk
blue giant
blue giants
blue goose
blue grama
blue green
blue greens

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